


6 potatoes, grated by hand and drained
(grandma says is you get your knuckles it just means you really put yourself into your cooking-LOL) if you have a better way, go for it!
1 small onion grated; pinch of baking soda (to keep taters white)
2 eggs; 2 TBS flour or matzo meal; 1 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp baking powder; mix well. Drop by TBS into at least 1/4″ hot oil (not butter–it’s Hanukkah). Fry until brown on both sides. We serve with applesauce and/or sour cream.

(This recipe given to me by my friend, Jen Coop, who said, “Now, Grandma is still alive, so don’t tell her i gave this to you 😉 Grandma’s card says that when you make them, some people will behave like they haven’t eaten in years.” And when you are cooking for people who enjoy them so much you won’t mind grating potatoes all day long. ho ho!” she says 🙂

About TJ

In 2015 my family moved from a small village in mid-Michigan to five beautifully forested acres in Northern Michigan. We love the lakes and rivers, the forests, and the billions of stars we can see in the night sky, as well as the many cultural and historical activities in our area. We also love that the deer and wild turkeys come right up to our house. This is where our hearts are! I have multiple cats, a flock of chickens, and an "adorkable" rescue dog named Hannah Joy. I enjoy reading, studying, writing, and learning new things. I also enjoy walking my dog, cuddling my cats, and gardening. I love nature. The world fascinates me.

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