Category Archives: A. Milanese



The truth is, being sensitive is tiring.
Being a kindhearted person is tiring.
Being good is tiring.
It is true.
Sometimes I would like to turn everything off.
Silence the world.
Turn off the heart.
Don’t hear the noise of lies, wickedness, indifference.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t who I am.
Love less.
To be less.
Feel less.
But then, as an important person told me today, feeling less bad would mean feeling less even the beauty of a sunset.
Feeling less pain means feeling less joy.
And then I stop, breathe, and realize that even if it’s tiring at times, it’s worth it.
And that if I still know how to love, if I still know how to be moved, if I still know how to make another heart feel less alone, I owe it to this strange crazy heart of mine that sometimes suffers more than it would like.❣️

~ A. Milanese