Category Archives: S.C. Lourie

Just For Today


Just for today, keep it simple.
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Look at your life for all you have gained rather than lost.
Look at your path for everything you have got through
rather than everywhere you think you should be.
Celebrate rather than criticize.
Experience rather than expect.
See how that goes. Just for today.

~ S. C. Lourie



The years tick on by and I am realizing that the really beautiful hearts have dents in them. That the most beautiful things in life have been fractured or cracked a few times. That the clothes that carry the most memories are those with rips, fades, holes or have been passed down. That there is grace in every wrinkle caused by grief, loss or heartfelt joy. That aging is a deepening of your roots to this earth. And scars are birthmarks of the hero you bring to life in yourself every time you get through a hard moment.

~ S. C. Lourie



“Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things.
Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal.
Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions.
Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it.
Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding.
You are worthy, always.”

~ S.C. Lourie

Everything About You Matters


Everything about you matters, Sweet Soul. Everything. Your voice. Your song. Your body. Your sorrow. Your joy. Your dreams. Your tragedies. Your love. Your waking up. Your going to sleep. Your struggles. Your victories. Your passion. Your weaknesses. Your pain. Your healing. Your tears. Your laugh. The way your cheeks blush. The way your nose crinkles. everything. The world will tell you you are insignificant. You are everything but that. You are beautiful. You are full. You are alive. You are original. Everything about you matters, Sweet Soul. Everything.

Tell Me…I Will Show You


Tell me your story and I will show you your bravery. Show me your scars and I will tell you of your beauty. Share with me your suffering and I will bow to your depth. Confide in me your fears and I will honour your strength. You have it all, darling. You have it all inside you. And your genius shows when you least imagine it. Don’t forsake anything about your soul, your body, your mind, your heart. It is both the light and the dark that make this world beautiful. Same with you, lovely one. Same with you.

~ S.C. Lourie, Butterflies and Pebbles

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself


Don’t be so hard on yourself for not having it all together all the time, for not knowing all the answers. You don’t always have to be sure of who you are, otherwise there’d be nothing to discover. You don’t have to always know where you’re headed or have a clear vision of the bigger picture. Sometimes taking one tiny step at a time is more than enough. Wander, be unsure when it’s natural to be. Let yourself breathe. We’re all rushing around for no reason anyway.

~S.C. Laurie